Traveling in Japan?

Karaoke, secret walks & ramen... Hang out with locals & travelers in Japan

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Have a trip to Japan ahead?

Life’s better with people—and now there’s a new way to meet them with local events and new app that made them possible. Every experience is selected and created by local people, so you can connect with others easier than before.

Upcoming events

You don’t need to pay for a guide to have fun in Japan. Meet great friends on TRAVELR and hang out now.
Karaoke Night

Karaoke is Japan's most beloved social activity. Join us and find out why!

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Sake Tasting

Enjoy different flavorful notes of Sake

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Harajuku secret walk

Explore one of the most stylish and exciting parts of Tokyo with new friends

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Ema, Travelr founder

“We want you to see Japan from different point of view”

Life’s better with people—and now there’s a new way to meet them with local events and new app that made them possible. Every experience is selected and created by local people, so you can connect with others easier than before.

Ready to explore Japan

Download Travelr app, browse all upcoming events and network with other travelers.
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